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Online Data Backup and the Benefits

March 21, 2012 Backup

If you're currently working with an IT company on a break/fix contract, or you're simply not yet working with an IT company at all, you're probably not all that aware of exactly what is online data backup and the benefits.

Allow us, Connections for Business, to help you fully understand what online data backup and the benefits of it are!

Loss of data, regardless of how it happens; human error, a virus or even a natural disaster, can impact your business in a big way.  When this occurs, you better be prepared to restore your data quickly so that you don't get caught up in the cycle of recurring downtime.  When you work with us, and all us to provide you with online data back and the benefits, you'll be able to rest assured your data is in great hands.

We've specifically designed a program that can show how online data backup and the benefits can help you.  With ConnectCare DataSafe, we offer a remote backup solution enabling organizations to get first-class backup for their vital data with superior performance.  By first backing up your files locally, we can assure you data can be instantly recovered from any previous point in time.  Additional features include hands-free, automatic off-site capabilities protecting your business against disasters.  By freeing your business from tapes and disks, we are providing you with simple, centralized administration.

If you're like most successful companies out there, you place a great deal of importance on your data and IT infrastructure.  And when you use computers, servers and other electronic hardware and software for a wide range of important functions,  you most certainly should be!

It's an absolute necessity in this day and age for your company to have more than just an in-house backup of your data.  Don't think for a minute, just because we've made it through another hurricane season, that you're in the clear.

Give us a call today and let us start helping you right away.

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