The Power of Worry-Free IT

NOC Monitoring Services

Computing with Confidence

We Manage It All For You

Your vital data systems are ALWAYS at risk. These attacks will compromise your network without proper protection. Cybercrime never sleeps, so you need a state-of-the-art watchdog on your data systems 24/7.

The Network Operations Center (NOC) is our war room. It’s the command center of our operation where we serve our clients from Miami through West Palm Beach. From the NOC we manage, monitor and address your technology issues before they become a catastrophic problem as well as reacting to service issues that come up.

Here are some of the issues we tackle in the NOC every day

  • Checking backups.
  • Managing updates for Windows and Mac.
  • Keeping Antivirus up to date.
  • Monitoring systems and networks for compliance, performance or any trends that require attention.
  • Root cause analysis to figure out the source of recurring problems, and fix them permanently

Proactive Monitoring & Maintenance

We use state-of-the-art monitoring tools on all the assets we protect to proactively look for early signs of a pending problem so we can head them off before they become a costly downtime event. When needed, the NOC takes your service request quickly and assigns to the best Help Desk Tech to diagnose and repair quickly. If you’d like to put our NOC to work at your company, give us a call.

Contact Us Call 954.920.9604 to schedule a consultation

Client Testimonials

What Our Clients Are Saying

"We have a Unified Infrastructure
Thanks to Connections"

Chris Stathis, Director, UNIPOWER

"They Came Up with a System to Make Us More Efficient."

Glenn Goldman, Partner, Goldman & Daszkal

"We Don't Ever Worry About Our Computers Going Down."

Michael Davis, Attorney, Boone & Davis

"We are Ahead of the Game Because of Them."

Tiffani Dhooge, CEO, Children's Harbor