The Original IT Company®

Your Cloud Options

August 07, 2024

A lot of people get confused over a marketing word Cloud. Cloud is just a marketing term. It essentially, Cloud means somewhere outside of my four walls. That's the simplest way. So what might those opportunities be? Well, I could go ahead and rent space in a data center and I can store it outside of my office in a data center that I own or rent space in that would be considered a private Cloud. It's still a Cloud.

I could go ahead and store my data up on Microsoft or, let's say Microsoft 365 or Google G-Suite.  That would be a public Cloud. I don't own the hardware. I don't own the data centers or anything else. I'm just renting virtual space or storage space and processing cycles up on somebody's equipment. So that would be a public Cloud.

And there's some other variations, which I don't want to bother people with, but frankly, that's the, that's the real definition of it.

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