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5 Signs You Might Need To Focus On Your Tech




The tech in your South Florida business is an ecosystem.

It’s made up of hardware, software, services, process and people all working together.

Sometimes the ecosystem gets ill.

Here are 5 signs that you might need to focus on your tech.

1. Got Down Time?

If your access to apps, internet and resources is regularly going down or getting’s a sign that something isn’t right.

Ask your IT / tech team to find out the root cause and get it fixed.

2. Slow Response Times?

If you’re waiting days and weeks for things to get fixed by your IT service provider there’s an issue there.

Sure some issues take time to resolve, but a chronically slow responding IT service provider is a buzz kill...and could be a biz kill as well.

It may be time to move on.

3. Something 'Phishy' Going On?

Your staff are getting emails asking them to do things.

Forged emails are coming in on a regular basis.

It’s likely you may not have a good threat protection service as part of your email arsenal, or you might have actually been hacked.

If things smell phishy

It's time to talk to your IT provider and say "what’s up?"

4. Your Company is Growing Like Crazy.

You’re adding a bunch of new staff and things are going well.

Is your tech scaling with you?

Or are you still using that same old system from 10 years ago.

If your tech is getting crusty it might be time to make a change to a tech company that can help you grow.


5. There’s Too Much Paper.

You’ve got a good business.

You’re growing.

But you’re still operating like it’s 1999 when I-95 had 3 lanes.

If you’re not using tech to your advantage, it might be time to call your friendly neighborhood technologist and get your tech right.

It’s a Wrap!

Tech is a key part of any modern business here in South Florida and around the globe.

Like I’ve said…

The tech in your business is an ecosystem.

Taking a time out to focus on your IT and getting your tech right can make all the difference.

The journey awaits...

Get your tech right.


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