I think every business has key performance indicators or KPIs that they track. In our world, I think the ones that we track that are most interesting to clients, like a law firm who largely is billing hourly. And so time is money. A lot of money is what's our response time. You know, if I need help, I need response and I need it fast.
So we measure three aspects around response time. One is going to be response time itself. That's the triage process. How long does it take for us to triage something to understand the buildings burning down versus you've hired a new employee who's going to start in two weeks. There's a difference there in triage.
We have time to where we actually start working on the issue and then the final time to resolution. And we look at each of those and whenever we have something that's going off or it's outside of bounds. We're putting eyes on that to find out what's going on to go ahead and get this thing resolved and back in shape quickly.