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Double Up On That Internet Mister!

October 10, 2018


Nowadays having more than one Internet provider for your South Florida business is a must.

Dependency on Internet for a business has never been higher.

Your staff needs email and apps to get things done.

"The Internet is down" can often be translated into "the business is down!"

Quick Story…

Our IT team and I were helping out a company yesterday — getting their Internet back online.

They had been down for the whole weekend.

While this is not a problem for most small businesses in South Florida, this company happens to run 24/7.

Being down for the weekend and most of Monday was definitely a bummer.

With a second Internet connection in place this business would have been able to keep working. It's called having 'redundancy'

Mind you, maybe not as fast.

But some Internet over no Internet is a good thing.

Think Redundancy.

Next time you’re thinking I don’t use that back up internet connection.


I don’t need a backup internet connection.

Think again.

You will.

A business interruption can be a major inconvenience.

Heck, even a small interruption is an inconvenience.

Consider getting a second Internet connection for your business if you don’t already have one.

While you may not use it often, it's great to have in your arsenal when there’s a blip or a complete outage of your main Internet.

At the risk of sounding 'redundant'...

Get more Internet.

( BTW - Having a 2nd 'back up' internet connection falls under 'Recoverability', one of our 4 Pillars of Technology here at Connections for Business in Hollywood. ) 


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