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The 3 Dangers of Dropbox...

April 20, 2018 Security


Things are never just black or white.

There's always that gray area in between.

Take for example, file-sharing cloud applications.

There are benefits. There are threats. And then there's the space in between.

Without pre-planning with your IT team, the use of file-sharing services like Dropbox, Box, Google Drive and others definitely puts your South Florida company at risk.

Here are the 3 Danger’s you expose yourself when you’re not careful.

1. Exposure

2. Risk

3. Loss


Using file-sharing services opens a back door into your business data.  No matter how you slice it.  If you use public file-sharing services there is always a chance that some employee or vendor can leave your back door open.


You’ve worked hard to build a great business.  You may have even developed your own secret sauce. That last thing you want to do is make your intellectual property public.  All it takes is for 1 employee to copy your core company data onto a file-sharing service and you’re risk of information leakage has instantly doubled.


The 3rd point is data loss.  Data can be lost for many reasons.  Someone puts one of your company files in their personal file-sharing service and it’s no longer in your environment to find.   Someone else leaves your company and your data is orphaned in their account.  The reasons are many and the potential for loss is big.

It’s important to keep your data safe, managed, and maintained.

The key takeaway not that cloud file-sharing apps and services are bad.   The point is that without proper management and maintenance your company data is danger.

There are several great apps as well as South Florida IT services that can help to make sure that your cloud file-sharing services are managed and maintained properly.

With some pre-planning and implementation of a well thought out plan, you’ll be ready to go all in on cloud file-sharing services like Dropbox and others.

Good luck and stay safe!

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