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Zen and the Art of IT Backup - Moral of The Story

September 26, 2014 Backup

The Moral of Our Story

The apprentice worked hard and reflected over the teachings of the Master.

  During the trials and tribulations of backup, he learned.  From that learning he became humble.  The Master was pleased.

“Master,” the apprentice spoke softly, “you have been kind to impart your knowledge to a lowly apprentice such as myself.  Over the past year I have not shown myself worthy.”

“My young apprentice, you have shown great persistence.  You have learned the 7 Principles of IT Backup, namely, Scope, Repetition, Distribution, History, Verification, Security, and Continuity,” the Master stated.

“It is now time for you to learn the true secret to the attainment of Zen and the Art of IT Backup.  My secret is that the Masters at IntelliPoint Technologies provide my temple with true IT Backup that conforms to all of the 7 Principles.  In fact, they even perform all 7 of the Principals for me, everyday!  It truly warms the soul,” said a satisfied Master.

“But Master, you put me through the terrible trials and tribulations trying to learn this coveted art.  Now you are telling me to just contact IntelliPoint Technologies?!”

The Master exclaimed, “Ahhh, young grasshopper, you have finally gained understanding.  This is the only way to achieve Zen and the Art of IT Backup!”

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