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Zen and the Art of IT Backup - Principle 7

September 19, 2014 Backup

Principle 7 – Continuity

The apprentice had now studied for many months and felt sure he had achieved the Art of IT Backup.

“Master,” the apprentice declared.  “I consistently backup all my data, keep copies of both current and historical on-site and off.  I test my backups and keep them safe and secure.  Tomorrow we take final exams using our computer network.  Surely, once I pass the exams I will have attained the Zen of the Art of IT Backup?!”

“Ahh, grasshopper,” the wise Master retorted. “You have worked hard, but you have not learned patience.  Always remember, although what may look like readiness may not be so.  Always be prepared.”  The apprentice did not understand and became frustrated.

The apprentice studied hard that night preparing for the exams to be given first thing in the morning.  At the break of dawn he was stationed at his computer in the lab, confident he would ace his exam and show he had attained Zen.

The Master stood at the head of the lab when his assistant ran into the room.  “Master,” the assistant panted, “the exam server has crashed, and the part to fix it has to be special ordered and won’t come in until next week.”

The Master looked at the apprentice and just shook his head.

Lesson to Learn:  Make sure you can restore your backups quickly

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