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IT Assessments - What? Why? And How Much?

June 04, 2018 IT Audit


What is a IT Assessment?

A IT Assessment is a service provided by Connections for Business, a leading managed IT services provider in South Florida, that provides you with an easy-to-understand straight-forward review of your existing tech environment. With your IT Assessment in hand, you’ll have a clear picture of where your tech environment is at today as well as what you need to do get your tech right.

What Do I Get?

The Audit
A comprehensive onsite and remote assessment audit is performed on your tech environment, providing us with a detailed 360 degree view of your IT infrastructure.

The Deliverable
From the assessment audit we are able to compile and compose an IT Assessment deliverable. The deliverable includes your environment score based on the 4 Pillars of Technology. This deliverable also includes a list of areas of concern and recommendations on next steps to take.

In addition, the deliverable will provide you with meaningful insight into the current state of the tech in your South Florida business.

The Discussion
Once the deliverable is ready to go, one of our Technologists will meet with you and review the findings. We’ll present the information in an easy to follow format. We’ll also answer any questions you may have and provide additional insight towards improving your IT environment.

Why do I need one?
It’s a good practice to check to  ensure that all aspects of your tech are running well on a regular basis.  Just like having a CPA review your finances or having an annual check-up with your primary care doctor, it’s important to know where you’re IT is at on a regular basis.

In addition, it’s a good idea to request a IT Assessment if you concerned with any of the following…

  • You’re concerned that your tech is not up to par with where it needs to be.
  • You seem to be getting a lot of viruses and email attacks and aren’t sure why.
  • You’re frustrated with your current IT provider and want to understand what’s going on.
  • You’re experiencing a lot of downtime and can’t understand why your current IT resource can’t fix it.
  • You’re having performance issues, internet and applications seem slow.
  • You’d like to move your business forward and want to make sure that your tech is aligned.  

Key Benefits of a IT Assessment

  • Let’s you know where you stand.
  • Gives you a clear picture of what needs to be worked on.
  • Arms you with information to help you make better decisions.

How Much Does an IT Assessment Cost?

IT Assessments start at $1,499 depending on your environment.  If you have multiple locations or over 100 computers we may need to create a custom quote for you.  

If you feel it’s time to make a change and are ready to take the next step - we’re here to help.

Contact Connections for Business today and we’ll help you get on the path to getting your tech right!

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