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Leadership Interview Series: Angel Alvarez, ABB Concise

July 06, 2011

South Florida Business Journal: Book of Lists Leadership Interviews

This is my latest interview in my South Florida Business Journal Book of Lists Leadership Interview Series.
(This publication highlights the top businesses in South Florida for growth, "best place to work", and leadership in many vertical industries.)

I was privileged to sit down with Angel Alvarez, CEO of ABB Concise. ABB Concise is the nation’s largest distributor of soft contact lenses. They supply more than two-thirds of Eye Care Professionals in America with brand name contact lenses, high grade ophthalmics and fully customizable Gas Permeable Lenses. Angel shared with me his personal values and how they shape the ABB corporate philosophy. Since his operation is spread out across the country, Angel has innovative ways to stay in close communication with his team members.

If you are a business leader who is willing to share your vision with my viewers and have your company highlighted on The Master of Disaster, please let me know.



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