The Original IT Company®

New Series Intro - 6 Ways to Turn Your Technology into A Competitive Advantage

February 03, 2015 Managed IT Services


We already know what you are thinking - Technology as a competitive advantage?  Impossible, right? Wrong.
In today's business world, technology drives growth.  

Expectations are higher, competition is closer, and it is rare to see significant growth or market leadership without leveraging technology effectively.  While it is difficult for even the largest, most established companies to withstand the impact of IT missteps, they can be impossible to overcome for most.

To address this issue, we're introducing a new eGuide - 6 Ways to Turn Your Technology into a Competitive Advantage through Shared IT Services - and will blog for the next 10 weeks in support of this topic. The concepts we will present are validated by over 30 years of experience with over 2,000 companies.

What are Shared Technology Services, you might ask? Shared services are a new alternative to avoiding this problem by delivering enterprise class IT support and services at a predictable price point you can afford.  Much like virtualization and cloud computing did for hardware and software, shared IT services provide access to top-of-the-line enterprise technology teams that align your technology to your strategic goals - while you focus on growing your business.

So what are the 6 ways that shared services turn your technology into a competitive advantage?

  • Don't think about it
  • Act bigger
  • Keep employees focused on their jobs
  • Fix your bottom line to grow your top line
  • Resolve issues before they become problems
  • Mitigate your risk

This series will not only explore the best ways to align technology to your growth strategy, but how shared IT services ensure your technology enables your growth and becomes a competitive advantage as well.

Please join us on this journey to IT-enabled growth over the coming weeks.  We will start next week with a post on using shared services to ensure alignment while not thinking about IT.  Don't want to wait?  You can download the full eGuide right now by clicking here.

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