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The 3 IT Leadership Qualities You Need From an MSP

January 18, 2023 IT, managed service provider

Consider a time when the customer service you received exceeded your expectations.

Perhaps you hired a specialist for home repairs, and they took the time to discuss problems you might encounter soon and suggested budgeting for them. Or maybe you took your car to a mechanic for a repair, and they filled up your fluids at no charge.

Good service matters, and it makes you more inclined to work with that company again. IT support is no different. While managed service providers (MSPs) need the technical know-how to address challenging problems, you don’t want an MSP that ignores customer service.

Here are three important leadership qualities in an MSP.

1. Communication

The secret to effective leadership is clear communication. If your MSP team talks to you in jargon, that’s a red flag.

Choose an MSP with an open communication process for updates and issues so you’re always informed. Frequent newsletters and regular IT strategy meetings are signs that your MSP excels at communication.

2. Guidance and Support

A true full-service MSP is more than just people you call about an IT issue. They work with you to continually develop ideas for enhancing your IT environment and advancing your company. They should provide the guidance and support you need to optimize your IT operations.

For example, if your MSP recommends you buy new equipment, you should expect to be told why and the value you’ll receive. If your MSP isn’t helping you make money, save money, or protect your assets, look elsewhere.

3. Process

A strong MSP has well-defined processes, such as playbooks on how they operate and onboard a customer, for example. When evaluating prospective MSPs, ask these questions:

  • Do you have specification sheets for your service and product offerings?
  • How many clients do you currently serve, and for what purposes?
  • How would you describe existing client relationships and workflows?
  • Are your services unified across the client network or specific to organizations?
  • How will your IT managed services give us a competitive edge?
  • Do you document your processes or maintain compliance records?
  • How long does the onboarding and implementation process take?
  • How simple and comprehensive is your pricing?
  • How would you go about securing our IT environment?
  • Do you dedicate a single person to my staff or a team of experts?

MSPs that aren’t clear on their purpose in leading your IT environment won’t be successful. Asking the right questions will help you choose the best MSP for your company. If their processes aren’t people-oriented, move on.

Choose an MSP That Delivers IT Leadership

You shouldn’t settle for IT support. A good MSP is a business partner that not only benefits your current operations but also improves your business strategy and future road-mapping capabilities.

Our experts can help lead your IT into the future with expertise that identifies gaps, prioritizes needs, and plans for your goals.

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