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Who's Looking After Your Tech?

August 02, 2019 IT Audit, Tech Tips



Every small business in South Florida and across America has an IT /  tech environment.

Comprised of computers, networks, apps, and services.

It all needs care and feeding.

But how do you do that?

You’re a small business.

You’ve got a handful of employees.

Maybe a few handfuls.

And hiring an IT person or team in house isn’t in the budget.

And so you make due.

Sometimes that means just calling someone when you need some tech help.

And other times it means more.

But that’s not care and feeding.

And that’s not looking after your tech.


The tech in your business plays a key role in your modern business.

It connects you to your customers.

It connects you to your staff.

It also connects you to your suppliers and vendors.

And it connects you to your prospects and future customers.

If tech is an afterthought in your business.

It’s not being looked after.


What does looking after my tech mean?

I’m glad I asked.

Just kidding.

Looking after your tech means having a good plan.

A plan that includes a tech roadmap, a life cycle replacement plan, and a well-documented tech environment.

It also means that someone is managing, monitoring and maintaining the tech in your South Florida business.

And last but not least, it means that your staff has a IT support team at their disposal.

You don’t need to drive the tech in your business.

You just need someone behind the wheel.

A partner with the right mix of education, experience, and exposure that can guide your tech so that your business can grow.

Who’s looking after your tech?

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