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Does My Business Need an IT Audit?

April 11, 2018 IT Audit, Tech Tips


Businesses invest in technology because they recognize the benefits that the technology can bring to their operations and service offerings.

The unfortunate truth of the matter is that quite often, after the initial investment, that new shiny piece of technology equipment can lose its' luster.  Just like cars need oil changes and inspections on a regular basis, the technology in your office needs regular reviews to keep them running smoothly... This is why your South Florida business needs an annual IT Audit!

What is an IT Audit?  
An Information Technology (IT) Audit is a comprehensive assessment of your company's tech environment and policies.

Why do I need an IT Audit?  
An annual audit of your IT environment can help make sure your investment in tech is being looked after and maintained properly.

Whether you have an internal IT department or outsource your IT support, IT Audits provide a thorough review to catch problems before they blow up in your face.

What do I get?  
An IT audit typically includes a review of your computing devices, network, software, services, management, and operations.   

A proper IT audit will evaluate your environment across 4 main IT disciplines:

  • Security
  • Reliability
  • Recoverability
  • Productivity

While the IT audit can generate a mountain of information, it should be reduced to the following deliverable:

  • SWOT analysis (a Strengths Weakness Opportunity Threat report)
  • Prioritized action item list to resolve faults found
  • Roadmap

Information is power.

With the knowledge gained from an IT Audit you’ll be able to make more informed decisions about your South Florida business. You’ll know what needs to be done today, tomorrow and in the future to move your business forward. Technology is a powerful lever in your business when it’s properly managed and maintained.

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