Have you ever noticed when we go through a storm and the power's out, I live in Broward County, so let's say it's all of Broward County has the power out. Mostly neighbors come together to help neighbors and neighbors understand my business is shut down and I couldn't fulfill an obligation and it'll be, it'll be resolved.
Law firms, for example, the courts are shut down, right? They can't, they can't pursue cases, they can't, but it's all local. It's all, that's all well and wonderful. But what if you're a law firm that's serving a customer insurance company up out of Connecticut? They're not down. They're not impacted. So the business they were about to hand you, they're going to hand to somebody else unless you've gotten contingencies in place to be able to operate outside of your local area.
Do you have an office in Orlando that wasn't impacted by a hurricane down here in Fort Lauderdale? Do you have an office in Houston that wasn't impacted by a storm that was going on in Louisiana? Whatever might be going on. The question is, have you thought outside of your own local area and the fences that we put up here, because we are all part of a larger supply chain.
We're all part of an interrelated web of relationships. And the question is, how does that affect you for a point in time or a short duration of time here? But how does it also affect your overall business's viability and sustainability?