The Original IT Company®

Preparing Your Critical IT Infrastructure for a Storm

June 28, 2024

I want you to think about access to your data. So where is your data? And then how do you access it to do that? You've got to define where is the data, the data on a server, the data in a cloud somewhere, where is the data if our office is shut down or we don't have access to this data somewhere, how's that going to inhibit our work and then should we consider putting the data somewhere else so we can continue to work.

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What is Marketplace Compliance?

June 26, 2024

When we're talking about compliance and what's needed for compliance,  it's kind of funny. Most of the conversations that we have  are what I'm going to call marketplace compliance. And here's what I mean by that. If you think about HIPAA, that's not marketplace compliance. That's government-mandated compliance for people in the healthcare industry.

If you look at the financial services sector, they're going to be, they're not marketplace compliance. They're regulated compliance by the SEC or FINRA. But when you are a law firm, a 20, 30 person law firm, and you're working for a bank  and the bank says, okay, for you to do this work for us, we want you to go ahead and go through the cyber questionnaire that looks very similar to what you may get from an insurance company who's doing a cyber liability questionnaire.

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Connections & Your Cyber Security

June 21, 2024
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Cyber-Hygiene: Secrets for Avoiding Cyber Attacks

June 19, 2024
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The IT Basics: Outdated Equipment Dragging You Down

June 14, 2024
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The IT Basics: Cybersecurity Secrets

June 12, 2024
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The IT Basics: Your Critical Back-Up Strategy

June 07, 2024
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A Remote Access Strategy Will Save Your Business

June 05, 2024
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