I attended the Technology Marketing Toolkit Boot Camp produced by Robin Robins.
The Master of Disaster and Rocco visit Cooper Properties
Since they tore down The Cubicle of Doom to make room for our expanded ConnectCare Response Center, Rocco and The Master of Disaster have been homeless. We put out the call to our vendors and clients for help and the response has been amazing! We have been getting invitations to visit their offices to shoot our blog and highlight their companies.
On The Road: Jody Johnson of Action Coach
Comparable to a physical firewall that keeps fire from spreading from one area to another, a computer firewall is a blockade in the form of a program or hardware device designed to keep unwanted information from coming through your Internet connection.
Although the first recorded use of spyware was on October 16, 1995, as recently as 2005, studies showed a considerable 61 percent of surveyed users’ computers were infected with some form of spyware. Of those 61 percent, 92 reported they were unaware of its presence.