Zen and the Art of IT Backup - Principle 4
Zen and the Art of IT Backup - Principle 3
Regardless of their size, many small businesses still need to meet strict compliance regulations, such as PCI and HIPAA. In addition to any special requirements, there are a few security technologies every small business should have in place.
Here are our four security must-haves.
Firewall – It sounds passé, but firewalls are still the de facto solution for minimum security. Small businesses are no exception. We frequently see vendors attempting to coax small business owners into boxes bigger than they need, with full redundancy and licensing. As expected, most small business owners will balk at the price tags that hang off these shiny new boxes. The truth is, for bandwidths typical in smaller organizations, a small ASIC-based firewall even with gateway services (e.g. anti-virus, anti-spyware, IDS or IPS) can be found for an affordable price. Even if it’s not tweaked to perfection, having some firewall solution is better than none. And no organization should rely on their Internet provider for this security.
This Tech Tip addresses some frequently asked questions about how to safeguard your computer data on a personal and business level. First, it makes sense to designate one or two specific folders on your computer as the main folder for confidential file back-ups for several reasons.
Hurricane Season is Here... Who Cares, Really?
At the end of June, I was in the garage looking for 4th of July decorations (per my wife's instructions) and I couldn't help but notice the hurricane shutters in the corner. As a Florida native, I have seen the terrible destruction that hurricanes can bring homes and businesses. And predictably, the "disaster marketing" engine started up last month with questions like "Are you ready for hurricane season?"
The following article will not only explain the importance of data backup in the fast paced world of South Florida,
Business Data Backup and Its Importance
If you’re not all that well versed with business data backup and its importance, you’re probably not alone.
Let Us Fulfill All Your Hard Drive Data Backup Needs
Still trying to decide who to go with as far as IT vendors when it comes to your small business data backup?