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Is Downloading Free Software Safe?

July 09, 2018 Security, Tech Tips, Backup

Freeware is software that is available for anyone to download free of charge. One day you’re minding your own business, sipping from your delicious iced coffee while scanning the Internet when all of a sudden you’re looking at a pop-up urgently telling you to download free software to prevent a virus attack on your computer. Instant buzz kill! Now you’re gripped by anxiety and you’ve got no idea if this is a real issue. If you work for a business that has an IT company supporting your enterprise, then you are fortunate. But for everyone else - you may wonder -is this is a serious warning, a marketing hoax or is this something truly bad like a virus or malware in disguise?

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Fraud, Fake or Scam?  How to determine if a website is legitimate!

May 25, 2018 Security, Tech Tips, Phishing

We’ve been surfing the world-wide-web for almost three decades now and chances are each and every one of us have stumbled upon good, bad and even fraudulent websites at one time or another. But how do you determine if a website is truly 'legit' or not? 

There are certain traits that can indicate a website’s intention to scam you out of money or valuable information.

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How Employees are Unintentionally Putting Their Company and Data at Risk

April 26, 2018 Security, Tech Tips

Security threats don't only come from the outside. The biggest threats are often sitting right in the office. Whether it's adult websites, checking personal email or social media, your employees are accessing content that is putting your business at risk.

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The 3 Dangers of Dropbox...

April 20, 2018 Security

Things are never just black or white.

There's always that gray area in between.

Take for example, file-sharing cloud applications.

There are benefits. There are threats. And then there's the space in between.

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4 Key Services Every Managed Service Provider Should Provide

April 04, 2018 Security

If you are considering outsourcing your company’s technology management and support to a Managed Services Provider (MSP for short), you’ll first want to make sure they offer these 4 key services; Help Desk, Backups, Security, and Remote Management and Monitoring.

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20 Devices You’d Never Imagine Could be Hacked or Dangerous..

March 15, 2018 Security, Tech Tips

We've all heard about hackers breaking into public WIFI to steal identities. Many of us have also seen stories about hackable smart cars and hacked garage doors mysteriously going up and down. But did you know that your refrigerator, your Grandpa's pacemaker and many other devices whose security we take for granted could be the target of a hack as well?

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7 Signs it's Time to Outsource Your IT

March 08, 2018 Managed IT Services, Security


Many South Florida business owners believe that working with an outsourced IT vendor seems expensive and complicated, so instead of hiring an IT guy they try to tackle the responsibilities themselves.

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Why Strong, Secure Passwords are so Important

March 02, 2018 Security

The truth is, we’d all have strong, hard to crack passwords if we had impeccable memories, but we don’t. 

So instead of creating a unique password comprised lower case, upper case and special characters as recommended by PCMag, most of us are guilty of taking the easy way out and just using something like this - Saltlife2018.

The problem is, even a low-grade hacker could run a script to crack your not-so-clever password (no offense!).   If a hacker gained unauthorized access to our computer, network, smartphone or tablet, it would cause us a world of trouble. Yet most of us think, “if could never happen to me!”

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Is Your Data at Risk? - An IT Audit Will Let You Know!

December 11, 2017 IT Audit, Managed IT Services, Security

An IT Audit is performed by a third party and is an in-depth analysis of a company’s technical environment, including its existing computer applications, hardware infrastructure, IT plan and IT related personnel. The Audit results in a detailed written report and guide that recommend strategic business initiatives pertaining to rightsizing internal and external practices and systems. In a nutshell, the audit will help to uncover areas of concern and will offer solutions to fix these issues.

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WIFI users at Risk With This New Threat...

November 08, 2017 Security

Just when you think you’ve got a better handle on Cyber Security! Now you can add WI-FI to the list of what makes us vulnerable to cyber-attack. This new attack, dubbed by experts, as “KRACK” is real and you’re going to want to read this! If you’re one of the 6.8 billion people who own a smartphone or one of the 300+ million global WI-FI users then you’re at risk along with the rest of the world!

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