The Original IT Company®

What Is Cyber Insurance – and Do You Need It?

September 13, 2022 cybersecurity, cyber insurance

Ransomware, phishing and malware are just a few of the common types of data breaches that can destroy your business. These attacks happen so often that it’s no longer a question of if but when 

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How to Avoid Cyberattacks While Working From Home

Working from home was once considered a luxury. Today, it’s become the new normal in a post-COVID world – and it doesn’t seem to be going away.

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Is Your Browser Up to Date or Is It Vulnerable?

February 22, 2022

Have you ever seen those pesky pop-ups about a new update that’s available for your internet browser? I bet you closed the pop-up and went about your business. After all, your browser is working fine, so why change anything?

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Clearing Your Browsing History: 3 Issues You Can Fix With One Click

February 22, 2022

Clearing your search history seems like an easy chore, but much like dusting the baseboards or weeding the garden, it’s one we tend to forget about. Unless you’ve been planning a secret vacation with your spouse, usually there’s nothing compelling you to clear your search history.

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How to Spot a Phishing Email

January 28, 2022 Phishing

Phishing is a term to describe thieves who try to masquerade as a reputable company (or person) to get you to reveal personal info, such as a credit card number or password. They may place an order on terms with the hope that the product will be shipped to them and they'll skip off payment.

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Should I Change My Search Engine?

January 28, 2022 Security

Google is the undisputed leader of search, with approximately 75% of the world's searches going through their engine.

So, Google knows a lot about you... really, a lot.

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Who Is Reading Your Text Messages?

January 28, 2022 Security

Facebook messaging swiped a play from WhatsApp when they offered Secret Conversations in 2016. Since then, several apps have introduced secure messaging promising end-to-end encryption.

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A Higher Calling: Help Us Help At Risk Families in South Florida

It's safe to say that the craziness of this year has been exhausting FOR EVERYONE. We all could use a little holiday spirit. And what better way to kick off this holiday season than by giving and doing for others?

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How Employees Can Unintentionally Put Your Company at Risk

Throughout South Florida, many employees use their own computers and mobile devices for work. For those who are still using company owned equipment, there are risks of compromising company data, especially if employees are using the equipment for personal use.

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How to Protect Your Small Business From The Dark Web

After I give a presentation on cyber security, I'm usually mobbed by the attendees who want to share horror stories of having their business or personal data wiped out and held for ransom, or wire transfers redirected to a thief. These are the same people that thought the information store on their computers or in the company cloud was safe.

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