Many organizations do not have the want or need to employ an internal IT organization. Inevitably, someone in the company lacking qualification and time has to play the IT support part on a weekly basis and put out the fires. Every hour they spend on IT related issues is an hour they are not focused on strategic objectives they were hired to deliver. It is a silent productivity killer that consumes an average of 5-10 hours per week.
IT Growth Hack 1 - Don't Think About It!
Technology is often viewed as a necessary evil and lacks the appropriate strategy, budget and resources to be truly effective. It is often a reactive response to a proactive need and typically runs in a silo, rather than aligning to and driving business growth. Thus, the market is at a crossroads - you can no longer grow a business or lead a market without aligned technology, but you lack the time or resources to manage your technology effectively.
New Series Intro - 6 Ways to Turn Your Technology into A Competitive Advantage
We already know what you are thinking - Technology as a competitive advantage? Impossible, right? Wrong.
In today's business world, technology drives growth.
Zen and the Art of IT Support - The Moral of Our Story
Jack was befuddled. He had wanted to learn the Art of IT Support under the Master, but just didn’t understand.
Zen and the Art of IT Support – Document
Jack was summoned to the Master’s lair the next day. “Jack, please show me the blacksmith’s checklist.”
Zen and the Art of IT Support – Guarantee
The Master sent Jack to a friend of his at a neighboring blacksmith’s shop, who was having trouble with his network. The Master said, “Jack, go to my friend’s shop and use this checklist to analyze his network. Then, report back to me.”
Zen and the Art of IT Support – Risks
The Master assigned Jack and Jill to a project for the administrative temple to move a database from their legacy server to a new server. Jill started prepping to backup the legacy server, as the Master instructed, when Jack came through the door.
Zen and the Art of IT Support – Satisfaction
It was late afternoon at the end of the workday. The Master was prepping for his afternoon meditation when the phone rang. It was an irritated User on the other end.
Zen and the Art of IT Support – Speed
The phone rang and Jack answered quickly, and spoke clearly, saying, “How may I assist you today?” The Master smiled.